Easter Lunch

It was Easter Eve, actually.  Mr. R. and I took his daughter and my son out for lunch yesterday.  She was just back from a couple of months in New Mexico where she attempted to ‘find herself.’  My son was exactly one month away from his wedding and his move 1,600 miles away.

I tried to push the thought that we won’t have many more of these opportunities right out of my head as we enjoyed a beautiful Saturday afternoon in downtown West Palm Beach.  We had lunch at Grease Burger Bar on Clematis Street.

wpid-20150404_123924-1.jpgWe snagged a table on the sidewalk, the better to enjoy the fresh air, blue sky, and plentiful sunshine as people passed back and forth on their way to and from the West Palm Beach Green Market.  Mr. R. and I have been to the Green Market before, but not since it moved to the east end of Clematis.  We made a note that we need to go down there again one Saturday specifically to enjoy the market.

While the menu at Grease is diverse, everyone chose their favorite burger (Mr. R. also added a hot dog) and we had a large order of onion rings and a larger order of fries for the table.  The food was hot, delicious, and plentiful.  Some of us took home leftovers.

Over lunch, we heard stories of life in New Mexico, why it sucks, and potential new jobs back here in South Florida.  We also got caught up on wedding plans and on arrangements for newlyweds starting a life in Omaha.

Mr. R. and I have cobbled together a life that rather resembles a patchwork quilt.  Not everything matches, but somehow it all seems to go together.  And we know that we’re blessed.  Happy Easter, everyone.

8 thoughts on “Easter Lunch

      1. Just Plain Ol' Vic

        Truly. What is “normal?” I’ve always thought it’s the diversity in all of us that makes life interesting!

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