Saturday Night Serenade–Lazy November Evening

It’s HOT here today in south Florida.  Here it is, November, and the temps were in the high 80s today.  Which doesn’t feel at all like November.  A couple of weeks ago, it was cool enough one night to have a fire in the fireplace.

That’s what I’m in the mood for tonight.  A cozy fire, a nice glass of wine, and Norah Jones playing in the background.  Maybe we’ll do that anyway, minus the fire as the AC keeps the heat at bay.

How are you this fine evening?  Is the weather where you are more conducive to a nice fall night?

I hope you’re well.  Be sure to hug those you love.

Happy Saturday night!

Saturday Night Serenade–Trick or Treat!

Trick or treat, y’all!  How are you this fine evening?

We’re mere days away from Halloween, and tonight’s serenade is a DIY Halloween dance party.  How could we possibly celebrate Halloween without Michael Jackson’s Thriller?

If you’re old like me, you remember the hype leading up to the release of the full-length (over 13 minutes long) video on December 2, 1983.  Directed by accomplished film director John Landis (National Lampoon’s Animal House, The Blues Brothers, An American Werewolf in London), it was MTV’s first world premiere video.

All I know is, when the thing finally aired, I was blown away.  The story line, the makeup effects, the dancing…  But maybe the spoken word performance by horror movie icon Vincent Price put it over the top.

And I’ve had Whodini’s Freaks Come Out at Night running through my head all month long.  I think it’s in the background of a television commercial, but it’s absolutely worth posting here.

But if you know me at all, you know I can’t pass up the opportunity to bring out the Backstreet Boys and Everybody.  Okay, I confess that boy bands are something of a guilty pleasure, but seriously, watch the dancing–I’d compare it to the ghoulish street parade from Thriller any time.

So what would be on your Halloween playlist?  I’d love it if you’d comment below.

Have a safe and Happy Halloween.  Hug those you love.

Happy Saturday night!

Saturday Night Serenade–Goodbye, September!

Here we are waving September goodbye.  Which is fine with me, if I’m honest.  September always seems so long to me.  I’m ready for October–I love all the fun and decorations of Halloween, plus, owing to my birthday, I’m Queen for a Month in October, LOL!  Let the gifts begin.  🙂

As I thought about the end of September, this song popped in my head and wouldn’t go away.  Wake Me Up When September Ends is from Green Day’s stellar 2004 opus American Idiot.

I love Green Day.  Matter of fact, their Revolution Radio tour is the best concert I’ve ever attended, EVER.  If you have the chance…

The origin of the song is personal to Green Day front man Billie Joe Armstrong.  According to Songfacts,

Green Day lead singer Billie Joe Armstrong wrote this song about his father, who died of cancer on September 1, 1982. At his father’s funeral, Billie cried, ran home and locked himself in his room. When his mother got home and knocked on the door to Billie’s room, Billie simply said, “Wake me up when September ends,” hence the title.

It’s a bit melancholy, I suppose, but maybe fitting as we move forward into fall.  Nature slows down for the cooler weather, and we find ourselves inside more and outside less.  But we begin to look forward to holidays and special times with family and friends.

I hope you’re enjoying this last September weekend, doing what you love with who you love.  Be sure to give them a hug.

Happy Saturday night!

Bonus: My all-time favorite Green Day song.

Saturday Night Serenade–We’ll Be Together Tonight

Happy Fall, y’all!

September is just flying by.  Before you know it, we’ll be talking about Halloween.  I have to confess, I just love autumn holidays.

This song has been stuck in my head all week.  There are worse things that can happen.  It’s classic Sting from way back in the day.  We’ll Be Together is from the 1987 album ..Nothing Like the Sun.

Above is the original official video, but I also found this funky version, a duet with Annie Lennox.  Am I the only one who thinks that Sting has only improved over the years?

So this September weekend, I’m sending you wishes for a wonderful, relaxing evening, spent doing what you love with those you love.  Be sure to give them a hug.

Happy Saturday night!

Saturday Night Serenade–Romantic September

It’s a rough weekend if you live in the Carolinas.  And it looks like Florence is going to push miles inland, impacting a huge swath of the east with tons of rain.  Take care, y’all, and pay attention to the what the authorities tell you.

The rest of us are looking on with our thoughts and prayers on this September weekend.  September always feels like fall to me, although fall doesn’t officially start until next week.

But I always picture leaves in brilliant colors, mugs of spiced cider, and people walking around in jackets.  That’s the way it was where I grew up in Tennessee.

Here in south Florida, the only fall color we get is in October, when the Methodist church puts a pumpkin patch on their front lawn.

I know everybody talks about special fall coffees, but I’m not a fan myself.  Mr. R wondered aloud this week if Pumpkin Spice was one of the Spice Girls.  I said yes, the round orange one.

Tonight, I’m feeling the romance of September, and I thought this song by the Corrs was fitting.

I hope wherever you are, you’re safe, dry, and surrounded by those you love.  Be sure to give them a hug.

And if you’re of a mind to, consider donating to hurricane relief.  It’s going to be a long haul for a lot of people.

Happy Saturday night!

Saturday Night Serenade–Oh, For A Pint On A Fall Night

Happy November!  Can it be possible that the holidays are right around the corner?  Oh, it CAN be–judging by the sudden onslaught of Christmas displays in the stores and the commercials on television.

Last weekend was cool here in south Florida.  A/C was turned off, windows were opened, a fresh breeze whisked away all the stale air from the house.  We even had a fire in the fireplace a couple of nights.  This weekend is more or less back to normal for this time of year–bright sunshine and low humidity with high temps around 80.

But last weekend put me in a mood.  I want to escape to a pub in Galway, and sip a pint of Guinness while listening to a local band.

I love this song by Ed Sheeran, and I adore this video even more.  Join me for a pint, and celebrate this beautiful fall evening.  Be sure to hug those you love.  Happy Saturday night!

Saturday Night Serenade–Fall Blues

Feeling the blues this week, and in the best way.  Summer’s gone, and it’s finally fall.  I’m done with summer songs for now.  Autumn songs fit my mood better.  And I’m ready to be done with Huricane Season, can I get an amen?  We still have a bit to go with that, though.

I love this song from Tracy Chapman, and this great version adds a little Clapton to the mix.  Nothing at all wrong with the blues.  And it feels like a song for cooler weather.

Is it cooler where you are?  Are autumn leaves stirring?  Tell me they are, I want to enjoy fall vicariously.  It’s still hot and muggy here.

So pull on a sweater and hug those you love.  Happy Saturday night!

I Have Writ…A Pome


Ode To Sweatpants

Oh, sweatpants, my sweatpants, you’re a favorite fall friend.
On cool days you’ve got me all covered, in the end.

You’re soft and you’re flexible; you never judge.
Even after I indulge so much I can’t budge.

So this holiday week, I’ll keep you in mind.
I’d never go off and leave you behind.

This Thursday you’ll find me a grateful lass,
I’m ever so happy that you fit my…lifestyle.

–An original poem by Pandora Spocks

There’s Something About October

Adventures in Date Night

It’s that time of year again, kids!  October.  That season of change, when the air gets cooler, leaves morph from green to brilliant tones of red, yellow, and orange (well, not in South Florida, but give me my fantasies), and there’s an eerie vibe all around.  Plus, my birthday is in October.

All this month I’ll be rerunning my series of October stories, little spine-chilling but true tales I’ve collected over the years.  And I do have a short new one to add.  Stay tuned…

October has always been my favorite month.  One reason is that my birthday’s in October.   I’ve always loved Halloween, too.  Spooky stories are fun.  My family has our own family ghost story, passed down through the years.  It involves a woman named Della Barnes, a distant relative who was born in 1874.

According to family legend, Della was was a beautiful young woman who…

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Saturday Night Serenade–Hozier

I know we’re not quite to Fall yet, but it’s September and that always makes me nostalgic for cooler breezes and bright-colored leaves, for pumpkins decorating porches and mantles, and hot cider in large mugs.  We don’t get much in the way of Fall in South Florida, but it all seems so romantic.

With that in mind, for tonight’s serenade I’ve chosen this romantic song and video by Hozier.  It reminds me that true love overlooks the frailties and faults in others, not to our harm, but in a way that extends a little slack to our partners who are less than perfect from time to time.

Plus, I’m a sucker for a man-bun, so there’s that.

Tonight, curl up with the one(s) you love and think about them with renewed appreciation–after all, none of us is perfect.

If it’s cool where you are, even better.  Happy Saturday night!