Tampa Bay Comic Con Day 1: “Let me ‘splain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up.”–Inigo Montoya

It’s the morning of Day 2 and we have to get going BUT I wanted to post a brief “sum up” of yesterday.  We arrived late, about 5:00 in the afternoon, and we spent a good half hour waiting for the official to meet us and give us our press passes.


It was around 6:00 when we finally made our way into to the exhibit hall, only to hear the announcement, “It’s 6:00.  The exhibit hall is closing.  Please exit.”  Sigh.  But it was all good.  We found our way downstairs, got our bearings, and made our attack strategy.

Again, this is a quick post, I have copious details to share, but I want to tell you the highlight of our Day 1 experience.  Suffice it to say that Mr. R. is tons more observant than I am, and that being the case, he noticed this guy sitting all alone enjoying a burger and beer.

(Probably) Not George R.R. Martin Photo by Mr. R.

Steely-eyed newman that he is, Mr. R. struck up a brief conversation and asked permission to snap a pic.  That accomplished, we thanked the gentleman and walked away, Mr. R. immediately tweeting the photo with this witty caption: “For the love of the 7 gods, don’t kill anybody.”

The live Twitter feed shown on the many screens throughout the venue soon displayed Mr. R.’s picture, bringing the entire place to a virtual standstill.  Choruses of “It’s him!” were heard echoing through the cavernous spaces of the Tampa Bay Convention Center.

Tampa Bay Comic Con.  It is, in fact, the Mother Ship.