Tampa Bay Comic Con Day 3 (Yes, I Know I’ve Skipped Day 2)

Tampa-Bay-Comic-ConI promise I’ll write up Tampa Bay Comic Con Day 2, but that’s going to be one huge post.  First I want to spend a little time giving a shout-out to some really cool artists we met on Sunday.

When Mr. R. and I made our attack strategy, we intentionally left the enormous exhibit hall for the last day.  Due to the stringent “flow” regulations, we’d been forced to walk through it each day (believe me, you’ll hear about that later), but we never took the time to browse until Sunday.

One of the first artists we met was a young woman from Savannah named N.M. Beguesse.  She’s the creator of Angelboy, a graphic novel.                           ( http://angelboy.com/home )

Angelboy http://angelboy.com/home

I don’t know a lot about graphic novels and manga, but I love the independent spirit of someone who finds a way to do something she loves.  When we met, she explained the plot of the story and the process by which she creates her work.  As we watched for a few minutes, we saw her physically put her book into the hands of potential customers, the better to make sales.  If you have any interest at all in fresh new graphic novels, give her site a visit.

One of the more fluky moments came when we met a group of artists from West Palm Beach and discovered that Mr. R. actually knew one of the guys, Bohdan Neswiacheny.

Conviction http://www.resistanceentertainment.com/

The group is Resistance Entertainment                      ( http://www.resistanceentertainment.com/ ) and they describe themselves in this way: “Resistance Entertainment is a South Florida company focusing on unique and inventive media content. Our endeavors include film and television production, comic books, novels and music.”  They produce several comic series including Blackbird and Morningstar.  Of particular interest to me was the comic series, Conviction, which is set in West Palm and features a female lead character.  I love the tagline: “The world is filled with good people who deserve the love and respect they are given.  This book is not.”

A third artist you should know about is Scott Markley with his company, Time for Hugs                 ( http://timeforhugs.com/wp/ ).

grim sleeper
Unconscious: The Grim Sleeper http://timeforhugs.com/wp/

He has several series, but the one he showed us was Unconscious: The Grim Sleeper, a character who is the younger brother of the Grim Reaper.  Talk about sibling rivalry.  This guy also showed a great deal of hustle and drive, and I liked him a lot.  Use the link to check out his site.  He’s also on Facebook.

Finally, I want to talk about Alex Asfour, designer and illustrator of IdeaStorm Media                             ( http://www.ideastormmedia.com/ ), a freelance design and illustration studio.

travel poster
Travel Poster http://www.ideastormmedia.com/

When we stopped by his booth, I was immediately attracted to his vintage-look travel posters (we bought a beautiful one of Paris).  Being Comic Con, he also had various pop culture posters and I couldn’t resist a very cool one of The Walking Dead.  On his website he offers art and design services, so if you’re in the market for that sort of thing, check him out.  I might just have to order the poster of Barcelona…

Now, I know you’re dying to know about the time I was a mere twenty feet away from Pedro Pascal and Richard Madden.  All in good time…